iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE (same as) iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j SNAT --to-source DNAT works on packets coming into the server. Here the webserver is located inside the firewall on a bastion host (

Enable masquerade on eth1 to rewrite the source address on outgoing packets. If you truly want symmetric NAT, you'll need the --random at the end: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE --random Configure forwarding rules. By default, iptables will forward all traffic unconditionally. *nat # ここにnat関係の記述 COMMIT 【Ex1】IPマスカレードの指定 [root@centos6 ~]# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j MASQUERADE ip nat pool natpool1 xx.yy.124.161 xx.yy.124.161 netmask ip nat inside source list corenat1 pool natpool1. This was intended to identify the traffic to nat (access-list corenat1), then create a nat pool with one address in it, and finally NAT the identified traffic to the new address. Docker and iptables Estimated reading time: 4 minutes On Linux, Docker manipulates iptables rules to provide network isolation. While this is an implementation detail and you should not modify the rules Docker inserts into your iptables policies, it does have some implications on what you need to do if you want to have your own policies in addition to those managed by Docker. Example of iptables NAT¶. If using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (or Fedora), install iptables and save the rules below as /etc/sysconfig/iptables. # yum install iptables-services # service iptables enable 7.4. Règles FORWARD et NAT. La plupart des organisations possèdent un nombre limité d'adresses IP routables de l'extérieur provenant de leur ISP. De ce fait, les administrateurs doivent trouver d'autres moyens créatifs pour partager l'accès aux services Internet sans donner d'adresses IP publiques limitées à chaque noeud sur le LAN.

Step-By-Step Configuration of NAT with iptables. This tutorial shows how to set up network-address-translation (NAT) on a Linux system with iptables rules so that the system can act as a gateway and provide internet access to multiple hosts on a local network using a single public IP address.

This tutorial shows how to set up network-address-translation (NAT) on a Linux system with iptables rules so that the system can act as a gateway and provide internet access to multiple hosts on a local network using a single public IP address. #iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to-source DNAT 如果是一个 DNAT 的过程的话,写规则时的链就不同,应该写在PREROUTING链中:

If you have a server on your internal network that you want make available externally, you can use the -j DNAT target of the PREROUTING chain in NAT to specify a destination IP address and port where incoming packets requesting a connection to your internal service can be forwarded. For example, if you wanted to forward incoming HTTP requests

ip nat pool natpool1 xx.yy.124.161 xx.yy.124.161 netmask ip nat inside source list corenat1 pool natpool1. This was intended to identify the traffic to nat (access-list corenat1), then create a nat pool with one address in it, and finally NAT the identified traffic to the new address. Docker and iptables Estimated reading time: 4 minutes On Linux, Docker manipulates iptables rules to provide network isolation. While this is an implementation detail and you should not modify the rules Docker inserts into your iptables policies, it does have some implications on what you need to do if you want to have your own policies in addition to those managed by Docker. Example of iptables NAT¶. If using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (or Fedora), install iptables and save the rules below as /etc/sysconfig/iptables. # yum install iptables-services # service iptables enable