I can ping a mac using the gui's tool ping, but the command ping does not want to ping a mac-address and neither does the script work for me. Top . janisk. MikroTik

Jun 21, 2018 · You issue the ping command along with a specific URL or IP address. Your computer sends several packets of information out to that device, and then waits for a response. When it gets the response, the ping tool shows you how long each packet took to make the round trip—or tells you there was no reply. It sounds simple, and it is. Ping is available in Windows, Linux, and MacOS as a diagnostics tool for network connections. In our article on ping command basics, we already introduced you to the command line program’s functions. To complement this, we’ll show you below how you can use ping for continuous tests. The machine I’m running the command from ( doesn’t show in the list, but everything else does—including the MAC address, which is the series of numbers and letters separated by Oct 28, 2019 · Open Nmap (or Zenmap) and use the command “sudo nmap -sn (network IP)” to scan the entire network (without port scan). The command will list machines that respond to the Ping and will include their MAC address along with the vendor. Don’t forget the “sudo” command. Without it, you will not see MAC addresses. The easiest way to practice with the ping, MAC and arp command is with your own computer. You probably have at least one device connected to your computer that you can view. You first need your computer’s IP address. You can do this by opening a command line and typing “ipconfig /all” in the command line utility. lets say you know the mac address for your device, you can bind that mac address an ip on your computer so when you ping the ip, it will look for that mac address so lets say i have a printer with a mac address of: 01-00-5e-7f-ff-fa The ping command: The ping command is a simple way to verify that another computer can receive information from you. The original author, Mike Muuss, actually named the program after the “ping” sound that a submarine sends to detect objects in the water. If an echo of the ping comes back, it means that there is something out there.

Your Mac’s ‘ping’ command tests the network by transmitting packets of data to a URL, and then timing how long it takes each packet to come back – kind of like how a sonar sends out a pulse of sound and then waits for the echo.

Here is how to test ping in Terminal: Open a new Terminal window (it's located in Applications > Utilities, or you can just start typing it in Spotlight). Enter “ping” followed by the IP address or web address. To Ping the BBC enter ping or ping www.bbc.co.uk. Press Return. Let the ping

Jun 15, 2018 · This video details how to use the PING command to test the connection between a Epson device and a Mac running OS X. I can ping a mac using the gui's tool ping, but the command ping does not want to ping a mac-address and neither does the script work for me. Top . janisk. MikroTik Mar 08, 2020 · Follow these steps to use the Ping command on Mac: Go to your programs and open “Terminal”. Type “ping” followed by a domain name or an IP address. Example: ping example.com; Example: ping; Let the command perform several attempts. To stop, type “CTRL” + “C”.